
Helllllo, my name is liri. I’m soooo happy to meet you.

Ok, lets get started.

There are four commands that I can accomodate. (Ha, take that Siri!)

  1. my-tweets: This will display your last 20 tweets so you can once again marvel at their brilliance.

  2. spotify-this-song: After entering the command “spotify-this-song” simply enter a song you would like me to look up. This can be anything. Yes, anything. Just please don’t make me look up Wrecking Ball again. Please.

  3. movie-this: Fancy a little knowledge about a movie? Simply enter the command, “movie-this,” and then the title of a movie you want me to look up. Now you can win even more backyard trivia arguments!

  4. do-what-it-says: Ok, I know this sounds complicated, but here me out. Say you really did want me to keep looking up Wrecking Ball 27 times a day. (By the way, I mean, 27? Seems a bit excessive to me. Go outside, feel the breeze, anything!) Anyhoo, you can store that information in random.txt. This command will look at the information in random.txt and then excecute what ever it says. So, in random.txt, you can put “spotify-this-song,’Wrecking Ball,’” and I’ll go look up info on “Wrecking Ball.” Again.

Lastly, feel free to check the log in case you want to micro-manage my output. Or if you forgot or something. It’s all there. Yep, everything. Including when you used movie-this to look up “The Last Unicorn.” Yikes.

Hope this helps. See you around, champ.